
The passages in support of today’s Gospel teach us that Easter’s good news was about to pervade all of creation. The Jewish holiday of Pentecost, 50 days after Passover, was to become the launch day for the hopeful message that “Christ is arisen.” Beginning at Jerusalem with its residents and visitors from all corners of the Mediterranean world the Holy Spirit would spread the news, just as the women at the tomb had done a few weeks earlier.

The Holy Spirit enabled those who had gathered to speak in their mother tongues, the language of their hearts and souls. The scene was confusing, and observers could not understand what was happening. But God through the Holy Spirit was at work. The prophet Joel wrote about this scene centuries earlier, and Peter explained it to all who would listen.

The explosion of Easter tidings affected all of creation – the mountains, the seas, and all the earth’s creatures. The Spirit not only prompted the spread of hope that comes from the good news, but the Spirit also helps us pray and search our hearts (Roms. 8:26-27). “Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord!” (Psa. 104:35).

— Jim Beck


Trinity Sunday


The Seventh Sunday of Easter