Common Prayer

A reflection from Charles Pearce, Deacon Emertius:

Over the years, both before and after my ordination to the diaconate, I think one thing that has helped me grow spiritually is something we all have access to: The Book of Common Prayer (1979).

Our current BCP is both a traditional, and yet, a living document. One change from the 1928 version that I readily adapted to is the emphasis on the Holy Eucharist for Sunday services. The Episcopal Church I grew up in had Communion once a month and the rest of the time Sunday services were Morning Prayer. But, I now find comfort in the weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist and find its now very familiar words a source of spiritual rest and restoration. And, when I read these familiar words and hear them recited, I often notice something thought provoking and inspiring, and draw a new understanding from these Holy words.



