A reflection from Kate Moore:
In 1982 my husband and I made our first move in fifteen years from the Manhattan area to Tulsa. Though my military friends were not impressed by my concern, it was kind of tough on us. Shortly after the move, I became involved in a church discussion group where we were asked an off-the-cuff question: “Where and when do you pray the most? What situation or context lends itself best to you for prayer and reflection?” After a few moments of thought, I had one of those “aha! Moments,” I stuck my hand up, and I related that the most helpful prayer was while I was driving from one place to another, and in the Tulsa area it was entirely possible that I was actually praying more because I spent so much time in the car! We all had a good laugh, and it led to a very friendly, welcoming feeling. When I thought more about it, I realized that praying in the car had become a natural part of my routine rather than something that was somehow set aside and apart from everything else in my daily life. The truth of that moment has stayed with me even now, though I don't drive so much anymore.